The Decision To Settle Your Workers’ Compensation
Case Can Be A Difficult One.
As a former Workers’ Compensation defense attorney, Attorney Barbara J. Welton knows how insurance companies
evaluate Workers’ Compensation claims, and uses this information to maximize the benefits you receive as an injured worker.

Considering a Settlement for Your Workers' Compensation Case?
Contact Attorney Barbara Welton TodayIs a Settlement Right for You?
The two primary benefits that the Workers’ Compensation Act allows you to settle in a lump sum are medical and lost wage benefits.
There are also scarring and amputation benefits available for those who qualify. Accepting a lump sum payment means that lost wage
and usually medical benefits will be replaced by one final payment.
Although it is possible to settle just the Workers’ Compensation wage loss benefits and keep Workers’ Compensation medical benefits open,
Workers’ Compensation insurance companies prefer to close the case and give more money for what is considered a “full and final”
Workers’ Compensation settlement.
Don't Settle for Less.
There are a number of things to consider before deciding to settle your case and Attorney Barbara J. Welton can help you to weigh your options. As with almost every area of the law, an attorney can generally get larger Workers’ Compensation settlements for their clients versus those that go unrepresented.